What to Do When Locked Out of Your Car or Home

Rule No. 1: Stay calm.

Getting locked out of your house or car can be frustrating—and expensive. Use these tips to help keep it from happening to you, and find out how AAA can help you if it does.


  • Do: Make a habit of checking for your house keys before leaving home.
  • Do: Use your key to lock the door after you close it behind you.
  • Don’t: Try to hide an extra key somewhere outside the house—thieves know all the likely hiding spots.
  • Do: Leave a key with a trusted neighbor or relative.
  • Do: Consider the option of getting a keyless lock that uses a touchpad and passcode.

If you get locked out at home

  • Do: Have the phone number of a certified locksmith in your cellphone, and call one when you’re locked out.
  • Don’t: Try climbing through a window or picking the lock—such attempts can be expensive and dangerous.

How AAA can help when you’re locked out at home

AAA Premier Members who lock themselves out of their homes can breathe a sigh of relief: AAA will reimburse you for up to $100 of the locksmith’s fee. Once you’re safely back inside, download a lockout reimbursement form from AAA.com/ContactAAA and send it to us with a receipt.

  • Do: Lock your car door with the key fob or key instead of locking it manually from the door switch on your way out.
  • Do: Replace the battery in your key fob every two years or when recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. (Because when your key fob battery dies, so does your ability to use the fob to get into your car.)
  • Do: Keep a spare car key safely inside your home.

If you get locked out of your car

• Don’t: Call the police, unless it’s an emergency.
• Do: Double-check each door to make sure you are really locked out before you call for help.
• Do: Call a friend to help you get your spare key.
• Do: Confirm your location and summon help from AAA Roadside Assistance.

How AAA can help when you’re locked out of your car

Vehicle lockout service is included with your AAA Membership—just let us know where you are, and a service provider will come to you. If a locksmith is required, you can get some reimbursement through AAA (how much depends on your membership level).

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