Amplify Your Money Management Skills

In honor of April’s designation as Financial Literacy Month, AAA has tips and resources to help you optimize your savings.

A smiling man and woman look at a laptop computer.. iStock

If there were ever a perfect time to analyze your finances and create strategies for income growth, it would be now. Inflation is losing speed; interest rates are expected to trend down through 2025; and there are plenty of choices for financial tools such as high-yield savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs).

To put a fine point on the importance of prioritizing personal economics, April is officially designated National Financial Literacy Month. Similar to the ways in which learning to read (literacy) opens up new worlds of understanding and experiences, financial literacy means understanding the tools, processes and thinking that lead to smart money management. And when you have good money management, you can make your dollars work for you.

Pull quote saying, “When you have good money management, you can       make your dollars work for you.”

AAA puts financial literacy in the spotlight

AAA is doing its part to promote monetary mindfulness by offering members free access to a series of financial webcasts on topics such as investing, storm protection with insurance, and automotive purchasing. All of the webcasts are available on-demand for you to watch at your convenience.

Tools of the trade

AAA is also leading the way to smart savings by offering members access to a variety of financial tools that can help make every dollar work harder. 

AAA banking experts are available virtually and in person (at select branch locations) to answer questions and help with financial planning, online banking enrollment and more.

A woman holds a cell phone with graphs on it as she writes with a pen on a paper.. iStock

Budgeting Apps

Financial literacy and money management can be complex and involved, but they always begin with the foundational need for budgeting. Once you identify your expenses, income and available funds, you’ll be in the best position to make smart purchases, control debt, and set yourself up for good credit and favorable interest rates on future purchases.

“When it comes to budgeting, how you do it isn’t as important as ensuring you’re doing it,” explains Trina Bowden, AAA Bank distribution consultant. “Whether you’re writing it down or using an app, you’re taking that step to take control of your money and understand where it’s going.”

There are several budgeting apps available. Some of the most popular are free downloads. Here's a short list:

Enjoy the peace of mind and freedom that come with financial literacy by taking steps to budget, save and grow your money. AAA can help you plan and forecast so you can follow a personalized path to smart money management.

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